Tourist voucher

     Tourist voucher is an obligatory document for opening tourist visa in the Ukrainian embassy. This document comes forward as an agreementwith the Ukrainian tourist company and the client, it comes as guarantee for all services, and suppose the whole range of responsibility given by the tourist company during the client’s trip on the territory of Ukraine.

               Filling the voucher responsible persons from the tourist company are obliged to inform the tourist about the rules of filling documents for entrance and departure, about medical restrictions concerning the trip, data about tour operator (tour agent) etc. Due to the tourist request, it is obligatory to inform him/her about the details of the trip.

               Tourist voucher should be filled three times: first example is for the Ukrainian embassy, second one is for should be given to the tourist before the trip, third one is for tourist company.

               Not rarely, during the trip tourist uses services of different companies, such as (excursions, hotel reservation, transfer, etc.), so in such situation each company could fill the tourist voucher for him, it means that this company will take responsibility over the tourist only within the bounds of given services.

               Tourist voucher confirms the payment for given services from the side of the tourist, and guarantee the whole range of responsibility given by the company during the tourist trip.


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